Are you ready for changes to CDM Regulations 2015?
On the 6 April 2015, the HSE (Health and Safety executive) new changes will be enforced where by the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 will be replaced by the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.
What are the changes?
- The most significant change is the CDM co-ordinator (CDMC) role will be replaced by the PRINCIPLE DESIGNER (PD) where by the client will appoint a PD, for example an Architectural Technologist, Architect or Structural Engineer.
- The Client is required to issue the F10 notification to the HSE. The F10 notification is now only required where a project lasts 30 days or more on site and where 20 or more people are working simultaneously on that site
- All Projects to have a written Construction Phase Plan
- When more than one Contractor will be required on a construction project the client must appoint a Principle Designer (PD) and Principle Contractor (PC) in writing. Failure to do so will result in the Clients responsibility for the duties for the PD & PC
- Creation of client duties for domestic projects which can be transferred to the Principal Designer and/or Principal Contractor
The Duties of a Principle Designer:
- Plan, manage and monitor the pre-construction phase
- Project is carried out without risks to Health & Safety
- Identify, eliminate or control risks through design work
- Liaise with the Principal Contractor (PC) and ensure co-operation and co-ordination
- Designers comply with their duties
- Assist he Client in preparing the pre-construction information
- Preparation of the health and safety file
The Transitional Period:
A six-month transitional period will commence from 6 April – 6 October 2015.
If the below criteria is met, then this is compliance with 2007 CDM Regulations:
- A CDM co-ordinator has been appointed before 6 April therefore effectively by 2 April
- The project is on site by that date
- The date for completion is before 6 October.
Projects as from the 6th April 2015 where by no CDMC or PC has been appointed:
- PD may be appointed in writing by the Client (but this is not obligatory)
- PD must be appointed in writing by the Client
- The PC must draw up a Construction Phase Plan
- where the Client has not appointed a PD, the PC must also prepare the Health and Safety file
- where a Client has failed to appoint a Principal Contractor, in commercial projects, the Client must fulfil the duties of Principal Contractor and in domestic projects, the Principal Contractor is deemed to be the contractor
What to do now?
- Duty Holders (Clients and advisers) should familiarise yourself with CDM Regulations 2015
- Identify projects that may be subject to the new CDM Regulations 2015
- Make sure the relevant people and project teams are aware of the changes
Please also see HSE website for further details
If you require further information, then please do not hesitate to contact me:
Mark Payne, Owner of Architectural Vistadesigns
01455 698 839

Published Date: 22nd March 2015
Category: CDM Regulations