AVD Professional Planning Advice and Services

Do you own land that is Brownfield, Greenfield or Garden land and looking to secure Planning Permission or Change of Use?
AVD provide a Professional Design and Planning service to Un-lock complex land opportunities for Greenfield, Brownfield and Garden land by securing Planning Permission for land you own. Our dedicated team review Planning Policies and the surrounding context to support Planning applications.

Do you want to maximise on the value of your land to create Viable Developments?
AVD have a wealth of experience to create Urban Designed inspiring Residential and Commercial Developments that are place-making, and at the same time our team can un-lock the potential of the land to create Viable Developments to maximise the Clients returns on the land value.

Have you had a Planning application refused and seeking to appeal against the application?
AVD provide a Planning service for the appeal of planning applications that have been refused. Our dedicated Planning team has experience of working on planning appeals by providing a service where by all application details and Policies are inspected to provide the best success of securing Planning.

Do you own land which has complex Planning issues and Policies affecting the opportunity to develop land?
AVD provide a Professional Design and Planning service by reviewing Local and National Planning Policies, and creating a detailed Planning report supported by graphical contents and concept designs to identify the potential of the land. This is an important process prior to a submission of a Planning application.

Are you seeking Building Regulation and NHBC approvals for your projects?
AVD provide a Full Design & Planning service from concept through to completion. AVD is a Chartered CIAT Practice (Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists) and understands the science of projects by creating Technical drawings to secure Building Regulation and NHBC approvals.

Are you Property Developing and are you a Home owner seeking to extend your Domestic home?
AVD provide a unique and cost effective Design and Planning service to create viable designs in-line with your budget. Modernising and extending homes can add value on to your property. AVD will guide you through the process from Concept, securing of statutory approvals and through to completion.

Are you seeking Building Regulation and NHBC approvals for your projects?
AVD provide a Full Design & Planning service from concept through to completion. AVD is a Chartered CIAT Practice (Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists) and understands the science of projects by creating Technical drawings to secure Building Regulation and NHBC approvals.